Bitcoin Mining Investment

Engage with the digital currency landscape through a platform characterized by high IRR opportunities and monthly distributions.

Summary What We Do Our Process About Chicago Atlantic INTERESTED IN THE DIGITAL MINING FUND?
  • 29.8% Annualized distribution
    as of December 2024 (Paid monthly)
  • 25% target net total return (annualized)
  • 56% Carbon Neutral energy source


The asset management experience to drive digital mining performance.

CADM (Chicago Atlantic Digital Mining) is an initiative by Chicago Atlantic focused on leveraging our extensive experience in private credit, real estate investing, alternative asset management, and risk management to realize the full potential of bitcoin mining.

High demand from AI companies seeking efficient power sources for data processing drives the value of our assets, benefiting investors through potential appreciation.

CADM provides a familiar fund structure for investors to obtain exposure to bitcoin mining with cash flow distributions, tax benefits, attractive returns, and potential capital appreciation.

Investment Inquiries


What we do

At CADM, we commit to industrial-scale, multi-state operations that harness low-cost, sustainable and stable energy from our U.S. utility partners. We then combine operational excellence with energy efficiency to maximize capital growth.

Develop data centers with reliable, low-cost power Generate bitcoin via data center mining operations Sell bitcoin daily Pay for electricity and operational expenses Make monthly distributions to investors

Our Process

Our Bitcoin mining and distribution process

Profit is distributed to investors monthly in cash. 30% of mined bitcoin is retained.

Investment Details

Miners in our data centers earn bitcoin which are distributed daily from the mining pool to the fund’s digital wallet.

About Mining Facilities

70% of mined bitcoin is sold to cover operating expenses.
•   Electricity
•   Labor
•   Other Expenses

About Efficiency

Chicago Atlantic is a private market investment firm.

Chicago Atlantic’s investing platform seeks to capitalize investment opportunities that are time-sensitive, complex, or in dislocated markets, where we believe risk is fundamentally mispriced.

Leading institutional asset manager with over $1.6B in capital under management.1
Credit track record generating 17%+ annualized net return since 2019 for over 850+ investors.2
Proven steward of capital across five private funds, our public mortgage REIT (Nasdaq: REFI), and our public BDC (NASDAQ: LIEN), totaling $2.6B+ in total closed loan facilities since firm inception.
Platform affiliates include an SEC-registered investment adviser and team of 80+ with over 30 investment professionals.

1 Represents total committed investor capital, total available leverage including undrawn capital, and capital invested by co-investors and managed by the firm, as of 9/30/2024.
2 Net returns are after fees and fund expenses and include the impact of leverage. Past performance may not be indicative of future results, as of 9/30/2024.